Ġurnata rtir: The Holy Spirit empowers my Priesthood


Il-Ġimgħa, 13 ta’ Diċembru 2024


Michelle Moran

Organizzat mill-Praise the Name of Jesus Prayer Group (Ministry for Priests)


Dar tal-Irtiri Mount Saint Joseph, il-Mosta


Jekk int interessat, ibbukkja billi ċċempel fuq 79333218 jew 99827228.


09:00 Introduction: Praise and Worship
09:30 Talk 1: Evangelisation and Preaching
10:15 Tea/Coffee
10:45 Talk 2: Healing: a time of ministry
12:00 Forum: priests with Michelle and Peter
13:00 Lunch
15:30 Tea/Coffee
16:00 Living the Liturgy: Holy Mass: source and summit of the Liturgy
16:45 Adoration


Michelle Moran tgħix Londra ma’ żewgha Peter. Flimkien waqqfu s-Sion Catholic Community for Evangelisation. Sal-2017, Michelle kienet il-president tal-International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) u tat ħafna seminars u rtiri madwar id-dinja.